Millions of people worldwide own survival knives. For many people a knife is a tool, for others it is a means of self-defense. The use of a survival knife is limited only by the imagination and ingenuity of its owner. Some people purchase knives to build a stunning collection of modern day or primitive cutlery. The amount a person can spend on a knife varies as widely as its possible uses. A knife should not be valued by name brand, but by its functionality and durability. A survival knife that lasts a lifetime has a lifetime of uses; one that breaks is instantly useless.
The first thing that materializes in most peoples minds when they think of a knife is its ability to stab or inflict harm. Not all knives have a sharp point, some are purposely made flat or dull. Many knives intended for kayaking or watersports are flat “tipped” so as to not puncture gear or injure its wearer. Don’t be alarmed, those knives are still survival knives. Almost every other knife produces a sharpened point that can be used for a variety of reasons. A person can utilize this feature for self-defense, hunting or opening packages. The main point here is that a knife is not merely a weapon for self-defense. Different states have different laws not only for the self-defense use of a knife but also on the length of it and whether or not it is permitted in certain locations. A survival knife does provide legitimate self-defense, just be sure you are informed. If you don’t have enough things around the house to stab at, rest easy, because there are plenty of other uses for that cool looking knife in your pocket.
Post-Disaster, Wilderness & Zombie Apocalypse Survival
The term “survival” often arises when talking about knives, but that term can apply to a wide variety of situations. A survival situation can be as varied as the knife being relied upon for survival. Urban survival, post-disaster survival, wilderness survival, and of course the zombie apocalypse are all contending for a shot at your survival knife. The good news is that a survival knife is appropriate for all the above situations. A knife is an essential item if you find yourself in a survival situation. It can be a regular old pocket knife, but if that is all you have in a survival situation then it becomes your survival knife. This knife will turn from a simple object into an extension of your being and will be essential to success. Fortunately, modern technology has provided humankind with extremely reliable survival knives to ensure that flint knapping a knife from the rocks will not be a part of your next outdoor adventure. In such a serious life or death situation, a survival knife quickly becomes a survival system due having virtually unlimited uses. Survival knives can cut, tear, hunt, pound, break, bang, saw, remove broken glass and thorns and the list continues. Like stated previously, the uses are limited only to its owner’s imagination and ingenuity. Although bringing a knife when going in the outdoors is always a sound policy, being able to use it when not in a survival situation will increase its usability.
Around the house there are a variety of uses for a survival knife. Aside from the wife getting upset that you are serving up tonights dinner with your new knife, it can be quite useful around the kitchen. A human being with a proper survival knife is the poster child for conquering all odds. Tomato plants can be pruned, overgrown tree limbs can be hacked down, parachute cord can be cut to length, and digging can also get done if you don’t mind sharpening your blade. The survival knives that come with a compass will provide you with the tool needed to find your way back home. Or you can put your survival knife in the dirt and make a sundial to find North.
So the compass didn’t come with the survival knife and the sun dial doesn’t work in thick forest and you are stuck. Many survival knives have a butt cap that can be unscrewed to provide a watertight storage space. Planning ahead and throwing a few essential items in there like some fishing line, fishing hooks, fire tender and some waterproof matches with a striker will provide you with that survival system mentioned earlier. You can catch that trophy fish, fillet it with your knife and cook it over the camp fire. If you have a survival knife without that feature you can make a line extending from your knife out of parachute cord. This will provide a safety feature as well as some extra cordage. You can use your survival knife to cut that too. A survival knife could catch your dinner, prepare your dinner, cut down branches and sticks for a shelter, provide firewood, provide peace of mind in the form of self-defense and anything else your heart desires.
A person needs to take care of their survival knife properly to ensure it remains functional and safe. This could also ensure that it lasts a lifetime. Many people can simply say that a survival knife is good to have, but if you talk to people that have really needed one, they will tell you that your life depends on it. Whatever you use your survival knife for, use it safely and appropriately.